6.4.7 Key Values

For uri- cntdb://c:contacts.cdb:

For uri- sim://global_adn, which is supported only on 3.2 and 5.0:

Keys supported are dependent on the accessing database and not platform dependent.

The keys listed in the following table are a superset of all the keys supported on all Third Edition and Fifth Edition platforms and different databases altogether. If you try to add an unsupported key on a given database and a given platform, the API returns an error message.

Note: SyncClass field is added to the contact by default, with a Synchronisation label and private value. (unless specified as public). All values other than private or public are stored as private.

Key Description Max Length
LastName Last name field 50 (14 for sim)
FirstName First name field 50
Prefix Name prefix field 10
Suffix Name suffix field 10
SecondName Second name field 50
LandPhoneHome Home land phone number 48
MobilePhoneHome Home mobile phone number 48
VideoNumberHome Home video number field 48
FaxNumberHome Home FAX number 48
VoipHome Home VOIP phone number 100
EmailHome Home Email address 150
URLHome Home URL 1000
AddrLabelHome Home Address label 250
AddrPOHome Home address post office 20
AddrEXTHome Home address extension 50
AddrStreetHome Home address street 50
AddrLocalHome Home address local 50
AddrRegionHome Home address region 50
AddrPostCodeHome Home address post code 20
AddrCountryHome Home address country 50
JobTitle Job title field 50
CompanyName Company name field 50
LandPhoneWork Work land phone number 48
MobilePhoneWork Work mobile phone number 48
VideoNumberWork Work video number field 48
FaxNumberWork Work FAX number 48
VoipWork Work VOIP 100
EmailWork Work email id 150
URLWork Work URL field 1000
AddrLabelWork Work address label 250
AddrPOWork Work address post office 20
AddrEXTWork Work address extension 50
AddrStreetWork Work address street 50
AddrLocalWork Work address local field 50
AddrRegionWork Work address region 50
AddrPostCodeWork Work address post code 20
AddrCountryWork Work address country 50
LandPhoneGen General land phone number 48
MobilePhoneGen General mobile phone number 48
VideoNumberGen General video number 48
FaxNumberGen General FAX number 48
VOIPGen General VOIP 100
POC POC field (Push to Talk Over Cellular) 100
SWIS SWIS field (See What I See). 100
SIP SIP Identity field 100
EmailGen General Email id 150
URLGen General URL field 1000
AddrLabelGen General address label 250
AddrPOGen General address post office 20
AddrExtGen General address extension 50
AddrStreetGen General address street 50
AddrLocalGen General address local field 50
AddrRegionGen General address region 50
AddrPostCodeGen General address post code 20
AddrCountryGen General address country 50
PageNumber Pager number 48
DTMFString DTMF String 60
Date Date field This field is in TTime format
Note Note field 1000
Ringtone Ring tone field 256
MiddleName Middle name field 50
Department Department name field 50
AsstName Assistant name field 50
Spouse Spouse name field 50
Children Children field 50
AsstPhone Assistant phone number 50
CarPhone Car phone number 48
Anniversary Anniversary field This field is in TTime format
SyncClass Synchronisation field

Possible values of this field are Public or Private, all other entries takes the value Private.

LOCPrivacy Locality Privacy field 256

See About this document... for information on suggesting changes.