6.5.8 Key Values


Table 6.114: Key values- Landmark
Key Type Description
[LandmarkName] string Specifies a name for the landmark. Landmark name is not unique in a database. Maximum string Length is 255.
[id] string A unique identifier created in the database on addition of a new landmark.

This field must not be specified when a new landmark is added to the database.

[CategoryInfo] List of strings List of Category IDs to which a landmark belongs.
[LandmarkDesc] string Description about the landmark. Maximum string Length is 4095.
[LandmarkPosition] map map describes latitude, longitude, altitude of a landmark. For more information, see Position Information of a Landmark.
[CoverageRadius] Double Radius from a position defined in landmark.
[IconFile] string Specifies Icon associated with landmark. Maximum string Length is 255.
[IconIndex] int Index of icon within the Icon file.
[IconMaskIndex] int Index of the icon mask within the Icon file.
[LandmarkFields] map This is a name-value pair. For more information, see LandmarkPositionFields.


Table 6.115: Key values- Category
Key Type Description
[CategoryName] string Specifies a name for the category. Category name is unique in a database. Maximum string Length is 124.
[id] string A unique identifier created in the database on addition of a new category to a database.

This field must not be specified when a new landmark is added to the database.

[GlobalId] string Specifies global category ID. This field is a non-modifiable field. It is ignored if passed as input.
[IconFile] string Specifies Icon associated with landmark. Maximum string Length is 255.
[IconIndex] int Index of icon within the Icon file.
[IconMaskIndex] int Index of the icon mask within the Icon file.


Table 6.116: Key values- Database
Key Type Description
[DatabaseName] string Specifies a name for a database. Database name need not be unique.
DatabaseURI string Database file name defined in specific format:

For example:
file://c:landmark.ldb [local database].
protocol://location [Remote database].

[DbDrive] string Specifies drive in which database is stored. For example, C.
[DbProtocol] string Specifies protocol by which database can be accessed.
[DbMedia] int 0: MediaNotPresent
1: MediaUnknown
2: MediaFloppyDisk
3: MediaHardDisk
4: MediaCdRom
5: MediaRam
6: MediaFlash
7: MediaRom
8: MediaRemote
9: MediaNANDFlash
10: MediaRotatingMedia
[DbSize] int Specifies the size of the database in bytes.
[DbActive] bool Indicates if this database is opened by default (that is, device default database).
True: Default database.
False: Not a default database.

Position Information of a Landmark

Table 6.117: Key values- Position Information of a Landmark
Key Type Description
Latitude Double Specifies latitude of a location in WGS-84 format. This needs to be specified in decimal degrees. Normal range of values [-90,+90]. Out of range values will be normalized to range as per standards. Negative degrees indicate west latitude and positive value indicated east latitude.
Longitude Double Specifies longitude of a location in WGS-84 format. This needs to be specified in decimal degrees. Normal range of values [-180 ,+180]. Out of range values will be normalized to range as per standards. Negative value indicates south longitude and positive value indicates north longitude.
[Altitude] Double Specifies altitude of a location in WGS-84 format, in meters.
[HAccuracy] Double Error estimate of horizontal accuracy to Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude in meters.
[VAccuracy] Double Error estimate of vertical accuracy to Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude in meters.


Table 6.118: Key values- LandmarkPositionFields
Key Type Description
[Street] string Address of the landmark. Maximum string Length is 255.
[BuildingName] string Address of the landmark. Maximum string Length is 255.
[District] string Address of the landmark. Maximum string Length is 255.
[City] string Address of the landmark. Maximum string Length is 255.
[AreaCode] string Address of the landmark. Maximum string Length is 255.
[Telephone] string Contact number. Maximum string Length is 255.
[Country] string Address of the landmark. Maximum string Length is 255.

Landmark Search Criteria

Table 6.119: Key values- Landmark Search Criteria
Key Type Description
[DatabaseURI] string Search is performed on the specified database. If database is not specified then, search is performed on default database. Maximum string Length is 255.
[LandmarkName] string Text is case insensitive, wild cards supported- '?' for single character, '*' for zero or more characters. Maximum string Length is 255.
[LandmarkPosition] map Map describes latitude, longitude, altitude of a landmark. For more information, see Position Information of a Landmark.

Only Latitude and Longitude fields are considered for search.

[CoverageRadiusOption] bool True: The coverage radius of landmarks is considered in the distance calculation. For example, if the circular search area and centre coordinates, which are mentioned in LandmarkPosition and radius mentioned in MaximumDistance intersects the landmark circular area, centre coordinates specified by the coordinates of the landmark and radius specified by CoverageRadius then, such landmark will be returned.

False: The CoverageRadius of the landmark is not considered in the distance calculation.
The default value is False.

[MaximumDistance] Double It is the distance from centre coordinate if CoverageRadius option is False else it is the effective distance calculated as landmark centre minus the coverage radius.
[CategoryName] string Search results only for landmarks that belong to this category. Maximum string Length is 124.

If specified False then, only unlisted landmarks are listed.

[LandmarkDesc] string Text is case insensitive, wild cards supported- '?' for single character, '*' for zero or more characters. Maximum string Length is 4095.
[BoundedArea] map Area specified within NSEW latitudes and longitudes. For more information, see Bounded area.
[MaximumMatches] int The maximum number of items retrieved when provided with criteria information. If not mentioned then all landmarks are returned.
[PreviousMatchesOnly] bool You can request to search within previous search results only.
True: Searches in previous search results.
False: A new search will be carried out on database.

If you do not specify this option then, False will be taken as default.


Bounded area is the area enclosed at the intersection of the latitudes and longitudes as mentioned in the following table:

Table 6.120: Key values- BoundedArea
Key Type Description
NorthLatitude Double The northern-most latitude of the bounded area in WGS-84 format.
SouthLatitude Double The southern-most latitude of the bounded area in WGS-84 format.
EastLongitude Double The eastern longitude of the bounded area in WGS-84 format.
WestLongitude Double The western longitude of the bounded area in WGS-84 format.

Category Search Criteria

Table 6.121: Key values- Category Search Criteria
Key Type Description
[DatabaseURI] string Search is performed on a specified database. If the database is not specified then, search is performed on default database. Maximum string Length is 255.
[CategoryName] string Text is case insensitive, wild cards supported- '?' for single character, '*' for zero or more characters. Maximum string Length is 124.
[MaximumMatches] int The maximum number of items retrieved when provided with criteria information. If not mentioned then all landmarks are returned.
[PreviousMatchesOnly] bool You can request to search within previous search results only.
True: Searches in previous search results.
False: A new search will be carried out on a database.

If you do not specify this option then False will be taken as default.

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