2.2 sysinfo -- Access to system information

Availability: S60.

The sysinfo module offers an API for checking the system information of a S60 mobile device.

The sysinfo module has the following functions:

active_profile( )
Returns the current active profile as a string, which can be one of the following: 'general', 'silent', 'meeting', 'outdoor', 'pager', 'offline', , 'drive', or 'user <profile value>'.

battery( )
Returns the current battery level. The value ranges from 0 (empty) to 100 (full) on a S60 mobile device. On the emulator the value is always 0.
Note: The returned value may be incorrect while the device is being charged.

display_twips( )

Returns the width and height of the display in twips. For a definition of a twip, see Chapter 9, Terms and Abbreviations.

display_pixels( )
Returns the width and height of the display in pixels.

free_drivespace( )
Returns the amount of free space left on the drives in bytes, for example {u'C:' 100}. The keys in the dictionary are the drive letters followed by a colon (:).

imei( )
Returns the IMEI code of the device as a Unicode string or, if running on the emulator, the hardcoded string u'000000000000000'.

max_ramdrive_size( )
Returns the maximum size of the RAM drive on the device.

total_ram( )
Returns the amount of RAM memory on the device.

free_ram( )
Returns the amount of free RAM memory available on the device.

total_rom( )
Returns the amount of read-only ROM memory on the device.

ring_type( )
Returns the current ringing type as a string, which can be one of the following: 'normal', 'ascending', 'ring_once', 'beep', or 'silent'.

os_version( )

Returns the operating system version number of the device as a three element tuple (major version, minor version, build number). The elements are as follows2.1:

signal_bars( )
Returns the current network signal strength ranging from 0 to 7, with 0 meaning no signal and 7 meaning a strong signal. If using an emulator, value 0 is always returned.

signal_dbm( )
Returns the current network signal strength in dBm. This is available SDK 2.8 onwards. If using an emulator value 0 is always returned.

sw_version( )
Returns the software version as a Unicode string. On the emulator, returns the hardcoded string u'emulator'. For example, a software version can be returned as u'V 4.09.1 26-02-04 NHL-10 (c) NMP'.


... follows2.1
Descriptions for these values are based on information found in S60 SDK documentation [4].
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